Mobile Application Development – Tiggzi

I’ve been checking out Tiggzi for a while and I say, it’s really stunning to see what you can do with the automation tools nowadays. Tiggzi is a cloud-based Mobile Application Development IDE that lets developers developed mobile apps without having to write any code.

Here’s the quickest application I created so far (took 10mins to developed). It’s a very basic twitter search engine that let the user search anything in twitter given a keyword. 🙂

The take:

IDE and REST Services – With a very intuitive IDE interface and support for REST Services, the IDE is by far surpass any mobile application development (cloud based or not).

REST Services – Create your own REST API (or use any generator out there), expose it in a server and your mobile application is ready to consume and use. 🙂

Try it yourself: I still need a few days of geek mode with this IDE, and a lot of ideas are running down this brain of mine right now. I can share a lot of awesome feature it has, but you might be bored with this post already and wants to try it, so go. :p

Here is a quick start:

3 thoughts on “Mobile Application Development – Tiggzi

  1. Thank you for your opinion! 🙂 I really don’t consider myself as a blogger, the purpose of this blog is to share any experience that I have and will serve as a portfolio of my works, knowledge and improvements. I also used this blog as a venue for me to learn different Software Development Technologies and my simple take / cents on them.

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